Wednesday, 9 November 2016



In the wake of Independence, keeping in the mind the pride and glory of the traditions of aeons, the entire country dreamt of making our Nation a modern and developed one, freed from all circumstantial impediments and drawbacks. In order to realize this dream, certain youth imbued with such conviction commenced on a movement, centered in the college and University campuses across the country. A national forum of these activities was formalized and registered on the 9th July, 1949, in the form of a student organization – THE AKHIL BHARATIYA VIDYARTHI PARISHAD (ABVP).

As our country was freed from the shackles of colonialism, an opportunity for inclusive, holistic development arose. A pall of gloom had descended on the potential excellence of the country due to centuries of foreign domination and subjugation. It is at this point of time that a student organization like the ABVP got established in our country, which, inspired by the great culture and traditions of the world’s oldest civilization, wanted to reconstruct India into a powerful, prosperous and proud Nation, committed as it was, to the grand notion of placing Her at the upper echelons of the global comity of Nations.

ABVP, with the aim of national reconstruction, commenced its multi-dimensional and multifarious activities as a nationwide student organization, touching every aspect of the societal spectrum. This student organization, which has immense faith in the latent strength of the entire educational fraternity, believes in coordinating and directing contemporaneous responsibilities of students towards constructive activities, staying above partisan politics and looking at every issue with a progressive lens. The ABVP strongly favours placing to the student, the idea of the keeping the Nation above everything else. It was this reason that the ABVP, for the past years of its formal existence, has consistently directed all its programmes, movements, demands and every sort of constructive activity towards the goal of National Reconstruction. There can be several ways of working with many and varied aims and objects in this country, but the ABVP, rising above parochial interests, had provided one, which was aptly captured in the title to the achievements to commemorate 50 years of its activities in 2009 as “ABVP 60 YEARS – A Movement for the Nation”.

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